Gardening & Landscaping
If you are planning on doing some gardening or landscaping, you are probably considering your options for building materials. Whether it is a vegetable garden or flower bed, you may be looking for an alternative to treated pine. Both Cedar and Redwood are great choices for edging a flower bed or constructing a raised planter. They do not contain any chemicals or preservatives that may leach into the surrounding soil, so they are safe to use near plants that bare fruits and vegetables. Another reason these two types of wood make a great choice is that they are naturally bug and decay resistant. Also, they will not twist, warp, or crack after they have been in the ground for a while. Either of these choices will last and be enjoyed year after year.
Below are a couple of examples of raised garden beds that can be easily built. If you have a size in mind and would like to know the cost for materials you can stop by, or call, and we will be happy to help you come up with the necessary material list. We have all the lumber and hardware in stock.